Can I Put Affiliate Marketing And Blogging On The Same Website?

Person blogging

In this article I will be answering the question, “Can I put affiliate marketing and blogging on the same website?”.

I will also be answering related questions from Google Search’s “People Also Asked “.

Blogging as way to make affiliate sales has become one of the most popular ways to do online marketing. You want to be offering helpful solutions to your audience so that they trust you enough to buy through you. Always remember that trust is your goal.

Can I put affiliate marketing and blogging on the same website?

How do I create a website and blog for affiliate marketing?

Do I need a blog or website for affiliate marketing?

Can I use multiple affiliate programs on a single website?

How long does it take to succeed in affiliate marketing?

Can I put affiliate marketing and blogging on the same website?

This is the sign you have been looking for

You certainly can and should put affiliate marketing and blogging on the same website. Affiliate marketing is one of the many ways to monetize a blog. Promoting affiliate products or services requires an audience, blogging is a great way to get eyes on these products.

A blog website is where you create your content to drive organic or free traffic. You can write reviews of or content related to the product you are promoting so that your audience can make an informed decision and possibly buy the product through your unique affiliate link.

Blogs and affiliate marketing go hand in hand. Of course there are other ways of promoting affiliate offers but blogging is one of the more reliable ways. It you design and build your website with your audience’s experience in mind, you will have a solid hub to connect all of your promotion strategies together.

Another plus is that you can build an authority with a blog simply by creating helpful content that your audience can easily find.

The bottom line is that you definitely can and should put affiliate marketing and blogging on the same website!!

How do I create a website and blog for affiliate marketing?

Man frustrated with creating

I wrote another article where I answered a similar question.

Here are some steps to follow to create a website and blog for affiliate marketing.

• Choose a niche. Its best that you have experience with the topic that your niche is built on. A passion for or expertise in a specific area are good places to start. If it’s a product, then it’s best if you have purchased or used this product because people want to hear firsthand accounts or reviews.

•Choose a domain name that is easy to remember and try to use keywords from your niche in the domain name. Also do your due diligence when checking the domain name to ensure that it isn’t taken already or if it has any bad reputation attached to it from a previous owner.

• Design and build your website using a website builder like Wix or WordPress. Keeping your audience’s navigation and experience in mind will give you a head start with SEO or Search Engine Optimization strategies.

• Research your topics so that you can create content that offers your audience actionable and reliable information.

• Type up and add links for your affiliate products to your relevant article(s). Then hit publish.

• Go out and promote your content. Utilize the many social media platforms by engaging with people who are interested in the topics related to your niche.

Do I need a blog or website for affiliate marketing?

Facebook lighted

A blog is a great platform to showcase or review products but it is only one way to promote affiliate products. You do not need a blog or website for affiliate marketing. There are many strategies and many places to promote your content which in turn puts eyes on the product or service that you are highlighting.

Facebook groups is a free way to get traffic to a landing page that you can create using Google sites or Canva. When you create the landing page you can build it with images, graphics, text or videos from the product service page and include your affiliate link. Do not put your affiliate link on your Facebook content. Canva and Google sites are free to use but you will find they have more to offer with the paid version.

Pinterest is a powerful driver of traffic and all that you need to do is create unique visual content, add a link to your landing page(s) and post your Pin. Canva is great for creating your Pins and like I said there is even a free version.

• Create YouTube videos that are relevant to your product or service and you can add your affiliate links in the descriptions. Here you can link to your landing pages as well.

• You can create interesting or funny Tiktok videos and have your YouTube channel link in your bio. Tiktok is more for getting views and then sending people to YouTube where your links are. Or you can create a Tiktok business account and use paid ads.

• Create A Quora profile and a space to answer questions and post relevant content. You can add links in your Space bio to your landing page. By posting content and answering questions, you will build a targeted audience. Then funnel them to your profile or Space bio to get traffic to your products. Never add your affiliate links to your content or answers. Quora moderation will flag it as spam and your account may be blocked or banned.

And with so many more creative ways to promote your products or services, you do not need a blog or website for affiliate marketing.

Last thought on this, I know that technically, a landing page is a website but they are not exactly the same things.

Can I use multiple affiliate programs on a single website?

Multiple options

Can I use multiple affiliate programs on a single website? Short answer would be, sure you can. Some things to keep in mind would be to make sure that the products that you will be promoting are connected or relevant to your chosen niche. As long as you are accepted by the different programs, then you just need to create content surrounding the topics that fit your niche.

* One way that you can add your promotions would be to create a link list on your website that your audience can choose which platform’s products that they are interested in.


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Another way would be to embed your unique affiliate link directly to specific products, in the body of your blog articles. And don’t just plaster them in anywhere you feel like, add them as a solution to a problem or to help explain a part of your post.

Yes, you can use multiple affiliate programs on a single website. More importantly is that this can be a goal to achieve so that you createmultiple streams of income.

How long does it take to succeed in affiliate marketing?

Hour glass

It seems that this question ought to be easy to answer. Or at least have a definitive, set number. Why not? Affiliate marketing has been around for quite sometime and there are more affiliates than I care to count.

The problem is that the reality is far more complicated.

• If you work hard and follow the right steps every day, it will happen faster than someone who only has time for a couple of hours each day. 

• Then there is experience. Your experience level has a big effect on how long it takes to become a successful affiliate. The more you know, the faster you grow.

• How comfortable are you on social media? Can you handle accounts on more than one platform? Do you know all of the rules and guidelines for each platform? 

Quick story.

Deon Christie is a prolific writer for Medium. He was cultivating an amazing, targeted audience. For years he found great success until one day his account was locked and blocked. Turns out there were nuances to the affiliate link policies that he didn’t catch and after all these years it all got taken away.

It took years to get where he was. He has now begun rebuilding. Only much faster. 

This quick story involves all three of my questions. 

Lack of a complete knowledge of the rules and guidelines got him penalized. But experience, hard work and a level of comfort with the platform all effected how fast he initially grew and how fast his brand is rebuilding.

Basically affiliate marketing success depends on what you are willing or able to put into it. 

How long does it take to succeed in affiliate marketing? It takes as long as it takes. Its different from person to person and there are many factors for and against your success. Just make sure to keep at it or you will never see success.

Did I miss anything? Please feel free to add in the comments.

I hope that my answers help and thank you for listening!

Stephen Providenti 

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