Top 3 Tips For Promoting Your Business on LinkedIn
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Tips on promoting your website on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a fantastic platform for promoting your business, your goods products or services.
Let’s take a look at some tips on how to promote your website and online business.
- Optimize Your Profile
- Create a Business Page
- Find Your Target Audience
- Create Your Ideal Elevator Pitch
You will need to create a personal account before you can create a business page.
Optimizing Your Profile
The first thing that you want to do is upload a profile head shot.
This is the first thing someone sees when checking out your profile so it should pop.In your head shot profile image you want to be dressed in a style that reflects your business. This is the first thing people will see, and you want to bring them in not chase them away.
The next steps in optimizing your profile is to:
- Create a professional headline. Your headline should include keywords that your audience uses to search for profiles. This offers more opportunities to be visible and viewed.
- Write a short summary to describe yourself. This will give any viewers a quick reference. You will want to include your email address at the end so viewers can contact you directly as well as helping you to grow an email list.
- Share about your experiences. This is where you tell us your greatest accomplishments. Recall where your advice or something that you did made the difference between success and failure. Or give an example of a situation that only your experience and expertise could get the job done. This is a perfect time to be a little creative.
The next two steps in optimizing your profile are very important:
- Education and training. This is where viewers will evaluate your credibility. Include any special courses or webinars that you have certification in or extra curricular activities that are pertinent to your business.
- Skills and endorsement. Here is where you include any skills that you have perfected while in your particular area of business. Also include references from former customers or employers. It is also a good idea to get endorsements from other LinkedIn members.
Create a Business Page
Some of the benefits of creating a LinkedIn business page are:
- You can promote your goods and products or services.
- You can run super targeted ad campaigns.
- You can engage with your audience directly. Which creates trust with your customers.
- You can create events or polls that gets audience involvement.
There are 4 requirements for setting up a LinkedIn business page:
1) You must have a personal account.
2) Your account must be at the All Star or intermediate level. The way that you get your personal profile to these levels is by completing all of the sections in the set up.
3) If you are a new user with a new account, then there is a 7-day waiting period while different parts of your profile are verified.
4) You must have several (more than two or three) 1st degree connections.
LinkedIn has a step-by-step set up process with prompts to help you through set up.
Create Your Ideal Elevator Pitch
What is an Elevator Pitch? Consider this scenario:
You are in an elevator and your ideal customer or client steps on. You have about 20-30 seconds to pitch your idea.
Here are some tips for landing that prize.
First off, introduce yourself, “Hi, I am (your name), it’s so nice to meet you.
Next, say something about yourself. If you attended college, say from where you graduated, and include your study focus. Or, provide your work experience instead of schooling. Hi, I’m (so-and-so), and am a web design freelancer,or something relative about your current employment. Give a little bit of context to this pitch, explain why your experiences are important.
You need to make the connection.
Why do you want them to listen? Be clear but also concise, remember you have only 20-30 seconds!
The last part can be scary. This is where you “ask” for the close.
What is your purpose for this elevator pitch?
- If you want to get them to mentor you, then ask them to mentor you.
- If you want them to purchase something, now is the time to ask.
They don’t know your reason for engaging so its up to you. If they like you, they will engage for longer, which is a great sign that you made a good impression.
Remember to be polite and friendly. Offer to stay in touch, perhaps hand them your business card that is simple with your name and contact info, (cell number and email).
Find Your Target Audience
Finding your target audience can be done by utilizing the search bar at the top of your profile.
Start by clicking on the people drop down icon. Then you can filter for location. Local businesses can be found by narrowing the location field to a city or postal code, or expanded to include countries. You can then add industries to further narrow your search. Then click apply.
This gives you a list of people in your field to connect with. People who will be your target audience.
You will want to introduce yourself with a simple greeting, then add a note to your connection request where you can offer free information on a product or service.
The point is to build a relationship, not to jump to a sales pitch. Any relationship begins with building trust. At the same time, also gives you the opportunity to network with your new connection that could lead to meeting new connections, and so on. That’s the power of the network.
LinkedIn Can Be A Great Way To Get Noticed
By following these steps, you can increase your visibility which will get you in front of more customers so that you can use your elevator pitch to possibly land your intended audience.
In Conclusion
Now you have a better understanding of how LinkedIn can help you to promote your business, both online and offline. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me here: